William L Hoge III
Bringing together the pieces needed to solve your Family Law problem.
You deserve an experienced Family Law attorney who can help you with all your divorce, child support, child custody and visitation, relocation and other legal needs involving domestic relations.
You need a lawyer who knows the law, knows the courts, knows the judges, and knows the opposing counsel. And one who is well respected by his or her fellow members of the Bench and the Bar for honesty, integrity and trustworthiness. Bravado is no substitute for genuine experience!
Law Offices of William L Hoge III
Republic Plaza #506
200 S 7th St
Louisville KY 40202
Tel: 502 583-2005
Fax: 502 583-1223
To provide honest, caring and affordable legal services of the highest possible quality.
Bill Hoge's law practice has been devoted for many years to handling divorce, domestic relations, parental rights, child visitation, child support, child custody, advocating for fathers' rights, domestic violence, EPOs, DVOs, maintenance and alimony, division of marital property, restoration of non-marital property, establishment of paternity, parenting plans, co-parenting, property settlement agreements, post-divorce actions, international and domestic parental abductions or kidnapping, annulments, QDROs (Qualified Domestic Relations Orders) for the division of pension and retirement benefits, as well as prenuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, business valuations and adoptions.
